Statistics and meaning of name Lupasteanu
We have no records about Lupasteanu being used as firstname.
Surname Lupasteanu is used at least 51 times in at least 2 countries. (Romania,Italy)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Given names
Maria Lupasteanu (6) Constantin Lupasteanu (3) Adeluta Lupasteanu (2) Gheorghe Lupasteanu (2) Floarea Lupasteanu (2) Lucian Lupasteanu (2) Mihai Lupasteanu (2) Mariana Lupasteanu (2) Eugen Lupasteanu (2) Liviu Lupasteanu (2) Ioan Lupasteanu (2) Anca Lupasteanu (2) Elena Lupasteanu (2) Aurel Lupasteanu (2) Alexandrina Lupasteanu (1) Mioara Lupasteanu (1) Norel Lupasteanu (1) Valerian Lupasteanu (1) Radu Lupasteanu (1) Ovidiu Lupasteanu (1) Mircea Lupasteanu (1) Margareta Lupasteanu (1) Doina Lupasteanu (1) Ecaterina Lupasteanu (1) Cornel Lupasteanu (1) Ion Lupasteanu (1) Aurelian Lupasteanu (1) Cezar Lupasteanu (1) Magdalena Lupasteanu (1) |
Lupasteanu reversed is Unaetsapul
Name contains 10 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Uaslaputne Asuletnuap Ntusulaape Taneplausu
Misspells: Luposteanu Lupassteanu Lupasteanua Lpuasteanu Lupasteaun Lupastenau
Rhymes: hsiu sieu spiritu espiritu hetu
Meaning of name Lupasteanu is: from the toponymic name 'Lupeşti' plus the suffix '-eanu'; Lupăşteanu
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Domains - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE | Old Wiki Name: Lupasteanu Language: Romanian Meaning: from the toponymic name Lupeşti plus the suffix -eanu Comments: Lupăşteanu |
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