Statistics and meaning of name Lupeanu

We have no records about Lupeanu being used as firstname.
Surname Lupeanu is used at least 86 times in at least 5 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 卢佩亚努 (pinyin: lú pèi yà nǔ)

      Surname Lupeanu
Given names
Constantin Lupeanu (9)
Nicolae Lupeanu (5)
Traian Lupeanu (4)
Elena Lupeanu (4)
Gheorghe Lupeanu (3)
Ioan Lupeanu (3)
Alida Lupeanu (2)
Florica Lupeanu (2)
Marioara Lupeanu (2)
Rodica Lupeanu (2)
Doina Lupeanu (2)
Claudiu Lupeanu (2)
Raveca Lupeanu (2)
Veronica Lupeanu (2)
Victor Lupeanu (2)
Teodor Lupeanu (2)
Corneliu Lupeanu (2)
Sonia Lupeanu (1)
Vasile Lupeanu (1)
Ioana Lupeanu (1)
Vlad Lupeanu (1)
Viorel Lupeanu (1)
Valentin Lupeanu (1)
Ion Lupeanu (1)
Cornelia Lupeanu (1)
Cornel Lupeanu (1)
Aurica Lupeanu (1)
Aurel Lupeanu (1)
Emil Lupeanu (1)
Eugenia Lupeanu (1)
Madalina Lupeanu (1)
Iulian Lupeanu (1)
Georgeta Lupeanu (1)
Mihai Lupeanu (1)

Lupeanu reversed is Unaepul
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.

Anagrams: Eapunul Luepuan Upuenal Aupelnu Uulpena Unuapel Nualepu Enlupua
Misspells: Lupeonu Lupeanua Lpueanu Lupeaun Lupenau

Rhymes: bijou bijoux hsiu sieu hetu

Meaning of name Lupeanu is: from the toponymic name 'Coasta Lupei' plus the suffix '-eanu'
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Romania Thailand Canada United Kingdom


Old Wiki
Name: Lupeanu
Language: Romanian
Meaning: from the toponymic name Coasta Lupei plus the suffix -eanu

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