Statistics and meaning of name Macowan
We have no records about Macowan being used as firstname.
Surname Macowan is used at least 71 times in at least 5 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 麦克欧文 (pinyin: mài kè ōu wén)
Given names
Duncan Macowan (4) Ian Macowan (3) Kenneth Macowan (3) Alison Macowan (3) Kerry Macowan (2) Daphne Macowan (2) Andrew Macowan (2) Nigel Macowan (1) Natalie Macowan (1) Rebecca Macowan (1) Rosemary Macowan (1) Sheila Macowan (1) Scott Macowan (1) Murray Macowan (1) Felipe Macowan (1) Layla Macowan (1) Helen Macowan (1) Doreen Macowan (1) David Macowan (1) Janice Macowan (1) Joseph Macowan (1) Margaret Macowan (1) Brian Macowan (1) Marlene Macowan (1) |
Macowan reversed is Nawocam
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.
Anagrams: Mcanoaw Owcaanm Owamnac Acnoawm Namcoaw Naawcom
Misspells: Mocowan Macovvan Macowana Mcaowan Macowna Macoawn
Rhymes: Iowan McGowan Antwan Aswan Saskatchewan cowman cowmen fellowmen ploughman fellowman
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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