Statistics and meaning of name Macross

We have no records about Macross being used as firstname.
Surname Macross is used at least 8 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Macross
Given names
Barbara Macross (1)

Surname Macross in USA   

Macross reversed is Ssorcam
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.

Misspells: Mocross Macloss Macrross Macrosss Macrossa Mcaross Macrsos

Rhymes: across crisscross cross motocross Cross Gross Moss gloss lacrosse recross

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Hong Kong Netherlands Malaysia France Australia Canada United Kingdom


Books: "Macross Sourcebook 1 (Macross II)" "Robotech - The Macross Saga, Vol. 2" "Robotech - The Macross Saga, Vol. 4" "MacRoss II:The Movie" "Macross 7 Trash, tome 6" "Macross 7 Trash, tome 8" "Macross 7 Trash, tome 1" "Macross 7 Trash, tome 3" "Macross 7 Trash, tome 4" "Macross 7 Trash, tome 5" "Robotech - The Macross Saga, Vol. 1" "Robotech - The Macross Saga, Vol. 3"

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