Statistics and meaning of name Magam

Usage: 20% firstname, 80% surname.
Magam first name was found 15 times in 4 different countries.
Surname Magam is used at least 57 times in at least 11 countries.

      Surname Magam
Given names
Gowthami Magam (2)
John Magam (1)
Shirisha Magam (1)
Vinay Magam (1)
Diego Magam (1)
Joanne Magam (1)
Iain Magam (1)
Chatelle Magam (1)
David Magam (1)
Deepthi Magam (1)
Bhavani Magam (1)

Given name Magam

Surname Magam in USA   

Magam reversed is Magam
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Magma Amgam Mmaag Maamg Maagm Gaamm Mgama
Misspells: Mogam Magama Mgaam Magma Maagm

Rhymes: amalgam pagan taken shaken bacon awaken

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States India Maldives Brazil United Kingdom Germany Saudi Arabia Thailand Russian Federation Sweden Croatia Kuwait


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