Statistics and meaning of name Majestic

Usage: 18% firstname, 82% surname.
Majestic first name was found 101 times in 14 different countries.
Surname Majestic is used at least 433 times in at least 16 countries.
Gender of firstname Majestic is 33% feminine and 67% masculine.

      Surname Majestic
Given names
Scott Majestic (1)
Lounge Majestic (1)
Mantels Majestic (1)

Given name Majestic

Surname Majestic in USA   

Majestic reversed is Citsejam
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Emjacsit Ijetsacm Sajimect Csajimte Jtasimce
Misspells: Mojestic Majesstic Majestyc Majestjc Maiestic Majestec Majestica Mjaestic Majestci Majesitc

Rhymes: domestic Calvinistic Eucharistic Gnostic Hellenistic Thomistic acoustic energetic magnetic genetic

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Russian Federation India Germany Philippines Malaysia Turkey Tunisia Thailand United Kingdom Sweden Oman Netherlands Mexico Saudi Arabia Europe Canada


Writers: Majestic Forte, Billy Majestic, Majestic Media, V. K. Majestic

Books: "Majestic" "Projeto Majestic: a Nave Perdida" "Majestic (in Spanish)" "Majestic dreams" "Majestic India" "Majestic Horse" "MAJESTIC" "Majestic descending" "Majestic Peace" "Majestic Jasper" "Majestic elk" "Majestic One" "The majestic rollerink"

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