Statistics and meaning of name Mandalaparthy

We have no records about Mandalaparthy being used as firstname.
Surname Mandalaparthy is used at least 20 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,India)


Surname Mandalaparthy in USA   

Mandalaparthy reversed is Yhtrapaladnam
Name contains 13 letters - 38.46% vowels and 61.54% consonants.

Anagrams: Radnaaptamyhl Ramnapaltyahd
Misspells: Mondalaparthy Mandalapalthy Mandalaparrthy Mandalaparthi Mandalaparthya Mnadalaparthy Mandalapartyh Mandalaparhty

Rhymes: McCarthy earthy swarthy Dorthy Galsworthy Horthy tarsi larvae marshy multiparty matriarchy

Meaning of this name is unknown.

mandalaparthy kishore says: the surname mandalaparthy has been derived from the village MANDALAPARRU located in the Kolleru lake area West Godavari District.
mandalaparthy kishore says: mandalparthy means someone hailing from the village MANDALAPARRU. it was the origin of mandalaparthys, located near the Kolleru Lake Area, West Godavari District

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