Statistics and meaning of name Maniatis

Usage: 6% firstname, 94% surname.
Maniatis first name was found 46 times in 2 different countries. (USA,Greece)
Surname Maniatis is used at least 634 times in at least 13 countries.

      Surname Maniatis
Given names
Ilias Maniatis (3)
John Maniatis (3)
Paul Maniatis (3)
Spyros Maniatis (2)
Andreas Maniatis (2)
Nick Maniatis (2)
Nikolas Maniatis (2)
George Maniatis (2)
Eloise Maniatis (2)
Peter Maniatis (2)
Kezia Maniatis (1)
Rita Maniatis (1)
Michail Maniatis (1)
Theo Maniatis (1)
Nicholas Maniatis (1)
Ketty Maniatis (1)
Panagiotis Maniatis (1)
Tonis Maniatis (1)
Andres Maniatis (1)
Heike Maniatis (1)
Frideriki Maniatis (1)
Gracie Maniatis (1)
Vasileios Maniatis (1)
Brigitte Maniatis (1)
Jacques Maniatis (1)
Athanasios Maniatis (1)
Gus Maniatis (1)
Geroge Maniatis (1)
Constantinos Maniatis (1)
Jim Maniatis (1)
Bill Maniatis (1)
Tommy Maniatis (1)
Christ Maniatis (1)
Marie Maniatis (1)
Louis Maniatis (1)
Akaterine Maniatis (1)
Alexis Maniatis (1)
Christos Maniatis (1)
Nikos Maniatis (1)
Vassiliki Maniatis (1)
Andy Maniatis (1)
Dina Maniatis (1)
Gillian Maniatis (1)

Surname Maniatis in Germany   Surname Maniatis in USA   

Maniatis reversed is Sitainam
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Imnasait Initaasm Aanimist Iamnitsa Asiitnam Saanimti Taminias
Misspells: Moniatis Maniatiss Manyatis Manjatis Maneatis Maniatisa Mnaiatis Maniatsi Maniaits

Rhymes: clematis gratis Alcestis Atlantis Chiantis Curtis Kurtis mariachis bodice topis hibachis popish

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Nick says: People with the surname Maniaitis come from the city of Mani on the southern tip of continental Greece. You'll notice that many words that come from the Greek lexicon have endings with itis - bronchitis means "comes from the bronchial". Maniatis means "comes from Mani". The city of Mani was one of the only cities in all of Greece that was never taken over by the Turks. Mani people are known for their stubbornness, loyalty, and patriotism. They come from the region known as Sparta, so you may think twice about going into battle against anyone sporting the surname MANIATIS.

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany United Kingdom Greece Australia Cyprus Canada France Spain Chile China Albania Brazil Europe


Writers: Y. Maniatis, Petros Maniatis, K. Maniatis, Alice Maniatis, Tom Maniatis, Thomas Maniatis, John Maniatis, Amy Maniatis, Maniatis Nicholas, Nicholas Maniatis, Spyros M. Maniatis, George C. Maniatis

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