Statistics and meaning of name Mapeta

We have no records about Mapeta being used as firstname.
Surname Mapeta is used at least 26 times in at least 1 countries. (UK)

Given names
Sarah Mapeta (4)
Rutendo Mapeta (3)
Deborah Mapeta (3)
Bridget Mapeta (3)
Solomon Mapeta (3)
Winnie Mapeta (2)
Tawanda Mapeta (1)
Wiridzai Mapeta (1)
Shelton Mapeta (1)
Hildah Mapeta (1)
Diana Mapeta (1)
Evangelista Mapeta (1)
Eve Mapeta (1)
Henry Mapeta (1)

Mapeta reversed is Atepam
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Amepat Apeamt Meptaa Pmatea Apmeat Mpatae Teampa
Misspells: Mopeta Mapetaa Mpaeta Mapeat Maptea

Rhymes: Greta Leta Velveeta arboreta beta eta excreta cheetah pita fajita meta feta

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Michael Mapeta says: Mapeta is a Yao Language name which means YAMS or Chirazi in Chichewa Language
Michael Mapeta says: Mapeta is a Yao Name which in Chichewa Language Means CHIRAZI. In English CHIRAZI is known as YAMS (Literally Nigerian Yams)

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