Statistics and meaning of name Maqedonci

We have no records about Maqedonci being used as firstname.
Surname Maqedonci is used at least 23 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Maqedonci
Given names
Shaban Maqedonci (3)
Vlora Maqedonci (2)
Bajram Maqedonci (2)
Naim Maqedonci (2)
Bujar Maqedonci (2)
Fisnik Maqedonci (1)
Granit Maqedonci (1)
Fadil Maqedonci (1)
Meral Maqedonci (1)
Alberina Maqedonci (1)
Remzi Maqedonci (1)
Mimoza Maqedonci (1)

Surname Maqedonci in USA   

Maqedonci reversed is Icnodeqam
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.

Anagrams: Maeqnicod Mqidneoca Noicqemda Nqoacimde
Misspells: Moqedonci Maqedoncy Magedonci Maqedoncj Maqedonce Maqedoncia Mqaedonci Maqedonic Maqedocni

Rhymes: macaroni rigatoni antimony matrimony chalcedony

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Granit Maqedonci says: Maqedonci was a small village in Serbia. When the Albaninas leaved the Serbia due to etnicity descirimination, they choosed to change there sirname to Maqedonci. This were very common at that time and a lot of Albaninas has a sirname after the villages they left.

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