Statistics and meaning of name Marcelis

Usage: 15% firstname, 85% surname.
Marcelis first name was found 52 times in 6 different countries.
Surname Marcelis is used at least 276 times in at least 13 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 马塞利斯 (pinyin: mǎ sāi lì sī)

      Surname Marcelis
Given names
Alan Marcelis (5)
Philippe Marcelis (4)
Bernard Marcelis (3)
Michel Marcelis (2)
Karen Marcelis (2)
Georges Marcelis (1)
Thierry Marcelis (1)
Stephanie Marcelis (1)
Gerard Marcelis (1)
Louis Marcelis (1)
Niels Marcelis (1)
Vladislav Marcelis (1)
Therese Marcelis (1)
Nicole Marcelis (1)
Daniel Marcelis (1)
Jacqueline Marcelis (1)
Jean Marcelis (1)
Joni Marcelis (1)
Graham Marcelis (1)
George Marcelis (1)
Delia Marcelis (1)
Kay Marcelis (1)
Paula Marcelis (1)
Didier Marcelis (1)
Christophe Marcelis (1)
Johannes Marcelis (1)
Stanley Marcelis (1)
Benjamin Marcelis (1)

Given name Marcelis
Family names
Marcelis Piepenbrock (1)

Surname Marcelis in France   Surname Marcelis in Netherlands   Surname Marcelis in USA   

Marcelis reversed is Silecram
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Ascilrem
Misspells: Morcelis Malcelis Marrcelis Marceliss Marcelys Marceljs Marceles Marcelisa Mracelis Marcelsi Marceils

Rhymes: Israelis delis Acropolis Annapolis Camelopardalis Chablis Coriolis vulgaris embellish perish cherish relish

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Florian Marcelis says: The grandfather of my grandfather had a dispute with is other Brothers then the Brothers separated and one of them(the granfather of my grandather) went in Belgium because at the time, Belgium was very rich. But I didn't knew that there were so many Marcelis in USA, I think it,s one of the Brothers or two or more went in USA to find a good job.
karl marcelis says: The name 'marcelis' indeed can be traced back to the 12th century.At the university of leuven in the 16th century some were enlisted as masters in theology. Most were followers of Jansenius and one of my ancestors GRAND GRANDFATHER at the beginning of the 20th century became the 'pope' of the Stevenist church (same ideas as jANSENIUS;
Karl Marcelis says: The name can betraced back to the 12th century,Asturias pain, they settelde in the lower netherlands beginsignaal 15th century An à lot of tomen moved because of protestants belief to den haag Netherlands after 1568. End of the 19th entourage Some moved to the region of Boston'' most of thE brunch of my family were masters in theologe and law, with à hughe interest in art. and litterature
Marcelis says: another anagram is Miracles

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Netherlands Brazil Ireland United Kingdom Belgium Mexico France Germany Norway Thailand Poland Austria Canada


Famous people: Marcelis Michael Catharinus Schewe, Marceli Handelsman, Marceli Kosman, Marceli Wiech, Marceli Konrad Strzykalski

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