Statistics and meaning of name Marisena

Marisena first name was found 15 times in 3 different countries.
We didn't find anyone with surname Marisena.


Given name Marisena
Family names
Marisena Teicu (3)
Marisena Luciani (2)
Marisena Radut (1)
Marisena Gatti (1)

Marisena reversed is Anesiram
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Imraasne Nriesaam Esmirnaa
Misspells: Morisena Malisena Marrisena Marissena Marysena Marjsena Maresena Marisenaa Mraisena Marisean Marisnea

Rhymes: Alcmena Alhena Athena Deena Dena Elena Gena basilica aspidistra

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Sarah says: I absolutly love tha name Marisena if Iever have a daugter one day that would be her name

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania United Kingdom New Zealand Australia India


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