Statistics and meaning of name Marmandiu

We have no records about Marmandiu being used as firstname.
Surname Marmandiu is used at least 53 times in at least 3 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 马尔曼迪乌 (pinyin: mǎ ěr màn dí wū)

      Surname Marmandiu
Given names
Ion Marmandiu (5)
Constantin Marmandiu (4)
Haralambie Marmandiu (3)
Elena Marmandiu (3)
Marinela Marmandiu (2)
Marcela Marmandiu (2)
Mircea Marmandiu (2)
Steliana Marmandiu (2)
Petruta Marmandiu (2)
Mihai Marmandiu (2)
Ilie Marmandiu (2)
Constanta Marmandiu (2)
Fani Marmandiu (2)
Gheorghe Marmandiu (2)
Dumitru Marmandiu (2)
Aurelia Marmandiu (1)
Cristina Marmandiu (1)
Mariana Marmandiu (1)
Lidia Marmandiu (1)
Florentina Marmandiu (1)
Maria Marmandiu (1)
Alin Marmandiu (1)
Marin Marmandiu (1)

Marmandiu reversed is Uidnamram
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.

Anagrams: Ammurnaid
Misspells: Mormandiu Malmandiu Marrmandiu Marmandyu Marmandju Marmandeu Marmandiua Mramandiu Marmandui Marmanidu

Meaning of name Marmandiu is: from the word 'marmandiu' = ' 1. old wine , 2. purple'
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania Europe Switzerland Germany Netherlands United Kingdom

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Old Wiki
Name: Marmandiu
Language: Romanian
Meaning: from the word marmandiu = 1. old wine , 2. purple

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