Statistics and meaning of name Marzouq

Usage: 20% firstname, 80% surname.
Marzouq first name was found 43 times in 9 different countries.
Surname Marzouq is used at least 163 times in at least 11 countries.
Origin of this name is Arabic.
Name written with Chinese letters: 马尔祖克 (pinyin: mǎ ěr zǔ kè)

      Surname Marzouq
Given names
Fatima Marzouq (2)
Mohamed Marzouq (2)
Rachid Marzouq (1)
Lahcen Marzouq (1)
Hanane Marzouq (1)
Zakaria Marzouq (1)
Aziza Marzouq (1)
Keltouma Marzouq (1)
Hind Marzouq (1)
Rkia Marzouq (1)
Yusuf Marzouq (1)
Ibrahim Marzouq (1)
Naima Marzouq (1)
Jamila Marzouq (1)
Mustapha Marzouq (1)
Nassim Marzouq (1)
Khalid Marzouq (1)
Hani Marzouq (1)
Mahana Marzouq (1)
Gaber Marzouq (1)
Faiez Marzouq (1)
Dakhel Marzouq (1)
Deema Marzouq (1)
Nahid Marzouq (1)
Faycal Marzouq (1)
Ichrak Marzouq (1)
Badav Marzouq (1)
Faical Marzouq (1)
Ali Marzouq (1)
Mouloud Marzouq (1)
Mohammed Marzouq (1)

Given name Marzouq

Surname Marzouq in France   Surname Marzouq in USA   

Marzouq reversed is Quozram
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Mraqzuo Zorauqm Zoamqur
Misspells: Morzouq Malzouq Marrzouq Marzoug Marzouqa Mrazouq Marzoqu Marzuoq

Rhymes: souk duke rebuke uk fluke

Meaning of name Marzouq is: Blessed (by God), Fortunate
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Morocco France Saudi Arabia Algeria United Kingdom Germany Thailand Pakistan United Arab Emirates South Africa Malaysia


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