Statistics and meaning of name Mashengele

We have no records about Mashengele being used as firstname.
Surname Mashengele is used at least 24 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Mashengele
Given names
Phephile Mashengele (2)
Zanele Mashengele (2)
Thandiwe Mashengele (2)
Thabani Mashengele (2)
Ntombikayise Mashengele (2)
Danny Mashengele (2)
Zee Mashengele (2)
Zifiso Mashengele (1)
Mandhla Mashengele (1)
Sukoluhle Mashengele (1)
Noelline Mashengele (1)
Ndabezinhle Mashengele (1)
Sinikiwe Mashengele (1)
Vuyiswa Mashengele (1)
Sybil Mashengele (1)
Thabami Mashengele (1)

Mashengele reversed is Elegnehsam
Name contains 10 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Misspells: Moshengele Masshengele Mashengelea Msahengele Mashengeel Mashenglee

Rhymes: Adele Cybele Michele Pele Steele ukulele nebula retina djellaba emerita jellaba

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Bongani Mashengele says: The name is of Sotho origin. It was a first name of an ancestor later adopted as a surname by Henry Boli Ndlovu. As a result all descendants of Henry Boli Ndlovu were to be called "Mashengele" as surname. So Mashengele is a totem with Ndlovu being the surname of all descendants thereof.

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