Statistics and meaning of name Mateoc
We have no records about Mateoc being used as firstname.
Surname Mateoc is used at least 59 times in at least 3 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Given names
Ioan Mateoc (7) Vasile Mateoc (6) Liviu Mateoc (3) Viorel Mateoc (3) Viorica Mateoc (3) Gheorghe Mateoc (3) Traian Mateoc (2) Mircea Mateoc (2) Cornelia Mateoc (2) Marcela Mateoc (2) Eugenia Mateoc (2) Floarea Mateoc (2) Emilia Mateoc (1) Cristian Mateoc (1) Floare Mateoc (1) Elena Mateoc (1) Teodor Mateoc (1) Moise Mateoc (1) Nicolae Mateoc (1) Paul Mateoc (1) Florin Mateoc (1) |
Mateoc reversed is Coetam
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Ametco Atecmo Metoac Atmeco Mtaoce Atmoce
Misspells: Moteoc Mateoca Mtaeoc Mateco Matoec
Meaning of name Mateoc is: the same as [Mateiuc]
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