Statistics and meaning of name Matheisl

We have no records about Matheisl being used as firstname.
Surname Matheisl is used at least 21 times in at least 4 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 马泰斯尔 (pinyin: mǎ tài sī ěr)

      Surname Matheisl
Given names
Michael Matheisl (3)
Otto Matheisl (1)
Otmar Matheisl (1)
Walter Matheisl (1)
Yvonne Matheisl (1)
Eleonore Matheisl (1)
Milan Matheisl (1)
Marion Matheisl (1)
Harald Matheisl (1)
Eva Matheisl (1)
Herbert Matheisl (1)
Hermine Matheisl (1)
Karl Matheisl (1)
Brunhilde Matheisl (1)

Surname Matheisl in Austria   Surname Matheisl in USA   

Matheisl reversed is Lsiehtam
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Satlihme Hitmesla
Misspells: Motheisl Matheissl Matheysl Mathejsl Matheesl Matheisla Mtaheisl Matheils Mathesil

Rhymes: matiral nattiral pannaiyal antilegal establisl

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Matheisl says: Ursprünglich Mauthäusl, welches ein Zollhaus an den Ländergrenzen bedeutete.
matheisl says: ursprünglich MAUTHÄUSL, bedeutete eine art Zollhaus in Zeiten des Salzhandels in Österreich. Maut= Zoll ..heisl bedetuet kleines Haus

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Austria Sweden Switzerland Thailand


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