Statistics and meaning of name Matjila

We have no records about Matjila being used as firstname.
Surname Matjila is used at least 20 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Matjila
Given names
Simon Matjila (3)
Annah Matjila (2)
Emma Matjila (1)
Elriano Matjila (1)
Dziuljeta Matjila (1)
Bianca Matjila (1)
David Matjila (1)

Matjila reversed is Alijtam
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Mtaajli Jitalam Jiamalt Majtail Atajlim
Misspells: Motjila Matjyla Matjjla Matiila Matjela Matjilaa Mtajila Matjial Matjlia

Rhymes: Aquila Attila Avila Gila Leila Lila Manila mantilla maxilla manila manilla flotilla

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Alfred Matjila says: Building Inspector at Lephalale Municipality (Limpopo
stanley says: Clinic volunteer doing great work

This page has been visited from the following countries: South Africa United States Europe United Kingdom France Brazil Ireland Satellite Provider Switzerland Namibia Botswana


Famous people: Andrew Matjila

Writers: John Matjila, Knox Matjila

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