Statistics and meaning of name Mecu
We have no records about Mecu being used as firstname.
Surname Mecu is used at least 140 times in at least 3 countries.
Origin of this name is Bulgarian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 梅库 (pinyin: méi kù)
Given names
Ion Mecu (14) Gheorghe Mecu (11) Maria Mecu (8) Nicolae Mecu (4) Mariana Mecu (4) Ilie Mecu (4) Marian Mecu (4) Ioan Mecu (4) Mihail Mecu (3) Elena Mecu (3) Aurelia Mecu (3) Constantin Mecu (3) Dumitru Mecu (3) Stanela Mecu (2) Stefan Mecu (2) Tania Mecu (2) Rodica Mecu (2) Mircea Mecu (2) Mihai Mecu (2) Marioara Mecu (2) Marinel Mecu (2) Marin Mecu (2) Lugia Mecu (2) Gherghina Mecu (2) Florica Mecu (2) Alexandrina Mecu (2) Aurica Mecu (2) Ileana Mecu (2) Gabriel Mecu (2) Ilinca Mecu (2) Elisabeth Mecu (1) Ana Mecu (1) Emil Mecu (1) Tiberiu Mecu (1) Vasile Mecu (1) Sandi Mecu (1) Victor Mecu (1) David Mecu (1) Neculai Mecu (1) Florin Mecu (1) Ioana Mecu (1) Marcela Mecu (1) Adrian Mecu (1) Eugenia Mecu (1) Dorina Mecu (1) Radita Mecu (1) Doinita Mecu (1) Lidia Mecu (1) Daniel Mecu (1) |
Mecu reversed is Ucem
Name contains 4 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Meuc Mceu Ecum Umce Muce Ucem Uecm Ecmu
Misspells: Mecua Mceu Meuc
Rhymes: setscrew menu nephew ecu rescue
Meaning of name Mecu is: from the Bulgarian name [Meko]
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