Statistics and meaning of name Meleaca

We have no records about Meleaca being used as firstname.
Surname Meleaca is used at least 65 times in at least 2 countries. (Romania,Italy)
Origin of this name is Greek.
Name written with Chinese letters: 梅莱亚卡 (pinyin: méi lái yà kǎ)

Given names
Gheorghe Meleaca (6)
Ion Meleaca (5)
Niculae Meleaca (4)
Stefan Meleaca (4)
Constantin Meleaca (3)
Vasile Meleaca (3)
Ioana Meleaca (2)
Ana Meleaca (2)
Paulina Meleaca (2)
Maria Meleaca (2)
Gabriel Meleaca (2)
Stefana Meleaca (2)
Vasilica Meleaca (2)
Nicolae Meleaca (2)
Stelian Meleaca (2)
Dumitru Meleaca (2)
Daniela Meleaca (1)
Stoica Meleaca (1)
Puiu Meleaca (1)
Radu Meleaca (1)
Ionica Meleaca (1)
Constanta Meleaca (1)
Cosmin Meleaca (1)
Catalin Meleaca (1)
Banica Meleaca (1)
Aurica Meleaca (1)
Flavia Meleaca (1)
Georgeta Meleaca (1)
Mihalache Meleaca (1)
Anica Meleaca (1)
Alecsandru Meleaca (1)
Ileana Meleaca (1)
Mirea Meleaca (1)

Meleaca reversed is Acaelem
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.

Anagrams: Ealecam Meelaac Elaecam Aalemce Aemleca Acealem Caamele Ecmalea
Misspells: Meleoca Meleacaa Mleeaca Meleaac Melecaa

Rhymes: Ithaca Oaxaca Titicaca alpaca maraca eureka paprika ilea alia prima

Meaning of name Meleaca is: from the Greek names [Meleki] , [Melekis] , [Melekakis] ; see also the name [Melega]; Meleacă
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Old Wiki
Name: Meleaca
Language: Romanian
Origin: Greek
Meaning: from the Greek names Meleki , Melekis , Melekakis ; see also the name Melega
Comments: Meleacă

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