Statistics and meaning of name Meminaj

We have no records about Meminaj being used as firstname.
Surname Meminaj is used at least 17 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Meminaj
Given names
Leonard Meminaj (3)
Adif Meminaj (2)
Eneo Meminaj (1)
Lentir Meminaj (1)
Aurora Meminaj (1)
Shezie Meminaj (1)
Veronika Meminaj (1)
Asqeri Meminaj (1)
Ervis Meminaj (1)
Gledis Meminaj (1)
Leonora Meminaj (1)
Vladimir Meminaj (1)
Albano Meminaj (1)

Surname Meminaj in Italy   

Meminaj reversed is Janimem
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Mmejian Inmeajm Inemjam Emjianm Jemmian Jaenmim
Misspells: Meminoj Memynaj Memjnaj Meminai Memenaj Meminaja Mmeinaj Meminja Memianj

Rhymes: tonnage reanimate sunup summit plummet

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Vladimir Meminaj says: There are some families with the surname Meminaj in Vlora and Korca of Albania. But the largest family is Meminaj family in Trevllazer of Vlora. There are about 450 members of this family. This name comes from one of the old members of the tribe called Memin. this person has been named for our family. We are originally from the village of Vuno, Himara and we have been a Christian. Memini's other name was Nush. His ancestors are called to this day Nushi. There were two brothers who married and separated by creating their own families. The people were strongly Muslimized by Turks, while Nushi did not. But they were brothers of blood and religion did not separate them from each other. We know that we are a blood and this we also tell our children, new ghenerations.
Vladimir Meminaj says: In the UK there are these people: Vladimir, Leonora, Ervis, Gledis, Riseld, Sara and Eris, the daughter of Gledis and Sares. These people are the family of Vladimir and Leonora Meminaj.My nephew Albano Meminaj lives with his bride and his daughter .They also live here with Albano’s sister Merushe my niece with her husband Roland Hazizaj. For now, 11 members of the Meminaj family live in the UK.

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