Statistics and meaning of name Mendiratta

Usage: 2% firstname, 98% surname.
Mendiratta first name was found 16 times in 4 different countries.
Surname Mendiratta is used at least 695 times in at least 12 countries.

      Surname Mendiratta
Given names
Nitin Mendiratta (3)
Rahul Mendiratta (2)
Manglesh Mendiratta (2)
Asha Mendiratta (2)
Kailash Mendiratta (2)
Sandeep Mendiratta (2)
Roshi Mendiratta (1)
Reeta Mendiratta (1)
Rekha Mendiratta (1)
Sapna Mendiratta (1)
Samir Mendiratta (1)
Shakti Mendiratta (1)
Sushil Mendiratta (1)
Anirudh Mendiratta (1)
Maya Mendiratta (1)
Arun Mendiratta (1)
Darshan Mendiratta (1)
Satish Mendiratta (1)
Sheeba Mendiratta (1)
Piyali Mendiratta (1)
Gaurav Mendiratta (1)
Harish Mendiratta (1)
Ekant Mendiratta (1)
Devrishi Mendiratta (1)
Surjit Mendiratta (1)
Bimal Mendiratta (1)
Hitesh Mendiratta (1)
Jyoti Mendiratta (1)
Nidhi Mendiratta (1)
Poonam Mendiratta (1)
Monika Mendiratta (1)
Monica Mendiratta (1)
Madhu Mendiratta (1)
Mohit Mendiratta (1)
Premila Mendiratta (1)

Given name Mendiratta
Family names
Mendiratta Gaurav (1)

Surname Mendiratta in USA   

Mendiratta reversed is Attaridnem
Name contains 10 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Diemartatn
Misspells: Mendirotta Mendilatta Mendirratta Mendyratta Mendjratta Menderatta Mendirattaa Mnediratta Mendiratat

Rhymes: Kenyatta regatta Beretta Calcutta Concetta Etta Henrietta minima cinema peninsula politica silica

Meaning of this name is unknown.

JK Maindiratta says: Mehndiratta is a tribe at Bannu Mianwali (Pakistan). Also spelled as Maindiratta. By caste they are Punjabi Khatri. A very peace loving people.
Joh Khan says: Main di ratta is corect, but not peace loving ;}
Varun mendiratta says: Hello Fellas
A Mendiratta says: It actually means that we have mehndi in our blood. This name was chosed by our community when we were coming to India from Pakistan during the war. There were people killing everyone trying to flee and our "tribe" was saved due to the mehndi trees so the people decided that if they escape alive they will pay homage to the trees and hence the surname was adopted
priya says: meaning of mendiratta, i am told, is 'blood (rakta) of dark red (mehndi) colour'. Anybody who vets this?

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