Statistics and meaning of name Mercat

We have no records about Mercat being used as firstname.
Surname Mercat is used at least 49 times in at least 3 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 梅卡 (pinyin: méi kǎ)

      Surname Mercat
Given names
Bernard Mercat (2)
Vincent Mercat (2)
Yves Mercat (2)
Nicolas Mercat (2)
Helene Mercat (2)
Christiane Mercat (2)
Paul Mercat (2)
Francois Mercat (2)
Benjamin Mercat (2)
Sylvie Mercat (1)
Laurent Mercat (1)
Bruno Mercat (1)
Blandine Mercat (1)
Christian Mercat (1)
Olivier Mercat (1)
Christianne Mercat (1)
Tiphaine Mercat (1)
Thomas Mercat (1)
Alain Mercat (1)
Florent Mercat (1)
Edith Mercat (1)
Andre Mercat (1)
Claude Mercat (1)
Gilles Mercat (1)
Charlotte Mercat (1)
Jean Mercat (1)
Ingrid Mercat (1)
Pascal Mercat (1)
Herve Mercat (1)
Veronique Mercat (1)
Pierre Mercat (1)
Patrice Mercat (1)
Stephanie Mercat (1)

Surname Mercat in France   

Mercat reversed is Tacrem
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Tecarm Rmeact Mreatc Ermatc
Misspells: Mercot Melcat Merrcat Mercata Mrecat Mercta Meract

Rhymes: Muscat bobcat cat copycat ducat muscat polecat that sat fat flat

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States France Thailand Algeria Australia Germany United Kingdom Canada Netherlands Russian Federation


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