Statistics and meaning of name Meriggiola

We have no records about Meriggiola being used as firstname.
Surname Meriggiola is used at least 21 times in at least 3 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 梅里焦拉 (pinyin: méi lǐ jiāo lā)

      Surname Meriggiola
Given names
Candido Meriggiola (2)
Rodolfo Meriggiola (1)
Simone Meriggiola (1)
Elvio Meriggiola (1)
Marino Meriggiola (1)
Attilio Meriggiola (1)
Franco Meriggiola (1)
Walter Meriggiola (1)
Antonio Meriggiola (1)
Devis Meriggiola (1)
Elisio Meriggiola (1)
Giuliana Meriggiola (1)
Mario Meriggiola (1)
Enzo Meriggiola (1)

Surname Meriggiola in Italy   

Meriggiola reversed is Aloiggirem
Name contains 10 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Eogmiragli Igemiglaor Lgegamoiri Golirmiega
Misspells: Meriggiolo Meliggiola Merriggiola Meryggiola Merjggiola Mereggiola Meriggiolaa Mreiggiola Meriggioal Meriggiloa

Rhymes: Hispaniola Viola gladiola viola cupola bola ayatollah tombola cola

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Italy Thailand Netherlands Romania France

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