Statistics and meaning of name Mestrius

We have no records about Mestrius being used as firstname.
Surname Mestrius is used at least 11 times in at least 1 countries. (France)

Given names
Roxane Mestrius (1)
Elisabeth Mestrius (1)
Michel Mestrius (1)
Pierre Mestrius (1)
Albert Mestrius (1)
Thierry Mestrius (1)
Eric Mestrius (1)
Francois Mestrius (1)
Herve Mestrius (1)
Joelle Mestrius (1)
Anne Mestrius (1)

Surname Mestrius in France   

Mestrius reversed is Suirtsem
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Ustiresm Sresumit
Misspells: Mestlius Mestrrius Messtrius Mestryus Mestrjus Mestreus Mestriusa Msetrius Mestrisu Mestruis

Rhymes: Demetrius Aquarius Arius Darius Marius Nestorius various carious censorious variance chariots

Meaning of this name is unknown.

MESTRIUS NORBERT says: Mot issu de la racine "Mestre": maitre. le 1er personnage historique Mestrius est le centurion romain fondateur de la ville de MESTRE près de Venise.

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Writers: Mestrius Plutarchus

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