Statistics and meaning of name Mhina

Usage: 7% firstname, 93% surname.
Mhina first name was found 4 times in 2 different countries. (USA,Sweden)
Surname Mhina is used at least 47 times in at least 9 countries.
Origin of this name is Swahili, East Africa.
Name written with Chinese letters: 姆希纳 (pinyin: mǔ xī nà)

      Surname Mhina
Given names
Leo Mhina (4)
Peter Mhina (4)
Mustapha Mhina (3)
Julius Mhina (1)
Augustino Mhina (1)
Wendy Mhina (1)
Sophia Mhina (1)
Kyllikki Mhina (1)
Timothy Mhina (1)
Sofia Mhina (1)
Simon Mhina (1)
Mina Mhina (1)
Thomas Mhina (1)
Rehema Mhina (1)
Kelvin Mhina (1)
John Mhina (1)
Hamida Mhina (1)
Manuela Mhina (1)
Mary Mhina (1)
Daniel Mhina (1)
Ramadhan Mhina (1)
Rahima Mhina (1)
Salum Mhina (1)

Family names
Mhina Simon (3)

Surname Mhina in USA   

Mhina reversed is Anihm
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Mhian Naihm Ahinm Ihnam Mihan
Misspells: Mhino Mhyna Mhjna Mhena Mhinaa Mihna Mhian Mhnia

Rhymes: China Indochina china Agrippina Andrianampoinimerina Angelina Argentina angina mynah myna

Meaning of name Mhina is: Delightful
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States United Kingdom Sweden Tanzania Norway Denmark Singapore


Writers: J. E. F. Mhina, George A. Mhina

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