Statistics and meaning of name Mhungu
We have no records about Mhungu being used as firstname.
Surname Mhungu is used at least 19 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,UK)
Given names
Darlington Mhungu (3) Amon Mhungu (2) Ozias Mhungu (1) Sheila Mhungu (1) Nancy Mhungu (1) Simon Mhungu (1) Shepherd Mhungu (1) Edmore Mhungu (1) Cynthia Mhungu (1) Dorothy Mhungu (1) Alington Mhungu (1) Isabel Mhungu (1) |
Mhungu reversed is Ugnuhm
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.
Anagrams: Hunumg Mnughu Humnug Muhgun Gnumuh Humgun
Misspells: Mhungua Muhngu Mhunug Mhugnu
Rhymes: Xingu avenue revenue anew canoe halloo
Meaning of this name is unknown.
Michael says: its a shona surname used in the country zimbabwe,its a type of snake
Precious says: The word mhungu is the Shona term for the Black Mamba snake prevalent in Southern Africa
Admire Mhungu says: it's a shona word for the Egyption Cobra. it's a Zimbabwean name
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