Statistics and meaning of name Micodin

We have no records about Micodin being used as firstname.
Surname Micodin is used at least 27 times in at least 3 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 米科丁 (pinyin: mǐ kē dīng)

      Surname Micodin
Given names
Elena Micodin (5)
Nadisa Micodin (3)
Eleodor Micodin (2)
Petru Micodin (1)
Pavel Micodin (1)
Vlad Micodin (1)
Estera Micodin (1)
Dan Micodin (1)
Cornelia Micodin (1)
Gelu Micodin (1)

Micodin reversed is Nidocim
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Mcinoid Odciinm Odimnic Icnoidm Nimcoid Niidcom
Misspells: Mycodin Mjcodin Mecodin Micodina Mciodin Micodni Micoidn

Rhymes: Borodin Rodin Aladdin Cardin Chernomyrdin Dunedin decoding coding encoding eroding goading

Meaning of name Micodin is: the same as [Nicodim] ; see also the Ukrainian name [Mikodim]
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Brazil France Italy Romania Albania


Old Wiki
Name: Micodin
Language: Romanian
Meaning: the same as Nicodim ; see also the Ukrainian name Mikodim

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