Statistics and meaning of name Micoroi
We have no records about Micoroi being used as firstname.
Surname Micoroi is used at least 23 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Given names
Traian Micoroi (4) Lazar Micoroi (3) Sabina Micoroi (2) Daniel Micoroi (2) Maria Micoroi (2) Lucia Micoroi (2) Teodor Micoroi (1) Floare Micoroi (1) Gheorghe Micoroi (1) Marius Micoroi (1) Cornel Micoroi (1) Dimitrie Micoroi (1) |
Micoroi reversed is Iorocim
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.
Anagrams: Orimioc Miociro Ricomoi Iimcoor Oirmoci Oomicir
Misspells: Micoloi Micorroi Mycoroi Mjcoroi Mecoroi Micoroia Mcioroi Micorio Micoori
Rhymes: deploy cloy destroy enjoy employ
Meaning of name Micoroi is: the same as [Nicoara]
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