Statistics and meaning of name Migea

We have no records about Migea being used as firstname.
Surname Migea is used at least 24 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Origin of this name is Bulgarian.

Given names
Vasile Migea (7)
Ioan Migea (5)
Nicolae Migea (4)
Alexandru Migea (2)
Viorel Migea (2)
Viorica Migea (1)
Teofil Migea (1)

Migea reversed is Aegim
Name contains 5 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Migae Iemag Eagim Amieg Miega Aigem
Misspells: Migeo Mygea Mjgea Megea Migeaa Mgiea Migae Miega

Rhymes: hydrangea idea dia lndia labia pia

Meaning of name Migea is: from the Bulgarian name [Midza] ; see also the name [Mija]
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Thailand United Kingdom Sweden Austria Satellite Provider Romania


Old Wiki
Name: Migea
Language: Romanian
Origin: Bulgarian
Meaning: from the Bulgarian name Midza ; see also the name Mija

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