Statistics and meaning of name Milcah

Usage: 92% firstname, 8% surname.
Milcah first name was found 192 times in 15 different countries.
Surname Milcah is used at least 16 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Kenya)
Origin of this name is Hebrew.
Gender of firstname Milcah is 100% feminine and 0% masculine.


Given name Milcah
Family names
Milcah Kamere (2)
Milcah Ndungu (2)
Milcah Nakyeyune (2)
Milcah Walusimbi (2)
Milcah Nyemba (1)
Milcah Kioko (1)
Milcah Riippa (1)
Milcah Lawal (1)
Milcah Souef (1)
Milcah Marcelo (1)
Milcah Natividad (1)
Milcah Parillon (1)
Milcah Pratbernou (1)
Milcah Moindi (1)
Milcah Ficher (1)
Milcah Kadondi (1)
Milcah Chisale (1)
Milcah Akola (1)
Milcah Githinji (1)
Milcah Gurure (1)
Milcah Sousa (1)
Milcah Assan (1)
Milcah Kokita (1)
Milcah Muduma (1)

Surname Milcah in USA   

Milcah reversed is Haclim
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Hicalm Lmiach Mliahc Ilmahc
Misspells: Milcoh Mylcah Mjlcah Melcah Milcaha Mlicah Milcha Milach

Rhymes: Micah villa cilia nigga guerrilla sera

Meaning of name Milcah is: Queen
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States United Kingdom Malaysia Kenya Thailand Europe Tunisia India Philippines Sweden France Germany Belarus Jamaica China Australia Uganda Ghana Spain Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic


Old Wiki
Name: Milcah
Gender: Feminine
Location: Unknown Location
Language: Hebrew
Thematic: Biblical
Meaning: Milcah is related to the Hebrew word "Queen", and also means Coucil.
Comments: Originally found in the Bible in the book of Genesis. She was the wife of Nahor, brother of Abram.

Famous people: Milcah Chemos Cheywa

Writers: Milcah Martha Moore

Books: "Milcah (French Edition)"

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