Statistics and meaning of name Milchert

We have no records about Milchert being used as firstname.
Surname Milchert is used at least 48 times in at least 6 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 米尔歇特 (pinyin: mǐ ěr xiē té)

      Surname Milchert
Given names
Mieczyslaw Milchert (1)
Marcin Milchert (1)
Lena Milchert (1)
Sylvia Milchert (1)
Thomas Milchert (1)
Henryka Milchert (1)
Grazyna Milchert (1)
Eduard Milchert (1)
Edelgard Milchert (1)
Piotr Milchert (1)
Krystyna Milchert (1)
Aldona Milchert (1)
Artur Milchert (1)

Surname Milchert in Poland   

Milchert reversed is Trehclim
Name contains 8 letters - 25.00% vowels and 75.00% consonants.

Misspells: Milchelt Milcherrt Mylchert Mjlchert Melchert Milcherta Mlichert Milchetr Milchret

Rhymes: Albert Alembert Alpert Bert Calvert Camembert Colbert filbert pilchard filtered unfiltered bewildered

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: Sweden Germany United States United Kingdom Poland Brazil


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