Statistics and meaning of name Mileni

Usage: 73% firstname, 27% surname.
Mileni first name was found 74 times in 7 different countries.
Surname Mileni is used at least 27 times in at least 6 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 米莱尼 (pinyin: mǐ lái ní)

      Surname Mileni
Given names
Franco Mileni (1)
Riccardo Mileni (1)
Edda Mileni (1)
Benvenuto Mileni (1)
Angelo Mileni (1)
Jos Mileni (1)

Given name Mileni
Family names
Mileni Vrsaljko (1)
Mileni Koncurat (1)
Mileni Maquin (1)

Surname Mileni in Italy   Surname Mileni in USA   

Mileni reversed is Inelim
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Imelin Ileimn Melnii Lminei Ilmein Mlinie Neimli
Misspells: Myleni Mjleni Meleni Milenia Mlieni Milein Milnei

Rhymes: Yemeni many penny antennae jenny halfpenny

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Mileni says: Mil años de paz

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States France Germany Singapore Australia Brazil New Zealand Sri Lanka Peru


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