Statistics and meaning of name Milicici

We have no records about Milicici being used as firstname.
Surname Milicici is used at least 26 times in at least 3 countries.
Origin of this name is Serbian.

      Surname Milicici
Given names
Sava Milicici (4)
Florica Milicici (3)
Dolinar Milicici (3)
Adrian Milicici (2)
Liubomir Milicici (2)
Aurora Milicici (2)
Gerorge Milicici (1)
Bosko Milicici (1)
Milorad Milicici (1)
Vasile Milicici (1)
Ioana Milicici (1)
Dimitrie Milicici (1)
Draga Milicici (1)
Elena Milicici (1)
Maria Milicici (1)

Milicici reversed is Icicilim
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Imliicci Cliiciim Icmilcii
Misspells: Mylicici Mjlicici Melicici Milicicia Mliicici Miliciic Miliccii

Rhymes: Medici umbilici litchi twitchy city hippie

Meaning of name Milicici is: from the Serbian name [Milic] plus the suffix '-ic' ; see also the Bulgarian name [Milicev]
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Old Wiki
Name: Milicici
Language: Romanian
Origin: Serbian
Meaning: from the Serbian name Milic plus the suffix -ic ; see also the Bulgarian name Milicev

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