Statistics and meaning of name Millete

Usage: 31% firstname, 69% surname.
Millete first name was found 20 times in 5 different countries.
Surname Millete is used at least 43 times in at least 5 countries.

      Surname Millete
Given names
Karolyne Millete (1)
Marc Millete (1)

Given name Millete

Surname Millete in USA   

Millete reversed is Etellim
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Mlielte Lelitem Leimetl Milleet Ileltem
Misspells: Myllete Mjllete Mellete Milletea Mlilete Milleet Milltee

Rhymes: Paraclete athlete complete delete deplete incomplete obsolete millet billet skillet village silage

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Philippines Thailand Italy Singapore

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