Statistics and meaning of name Millross

We have no records about Millross being used as firstname.
Surname Millross is used at least 73 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Millross
Given names
Christine Millross (3)
Darrel Millross (2)
Dennis Millross (2)
Constance Millross (2)
Francis Millross (2)
Emily Millross (2)
Stephen Millross (2)
Ann Millross (2)
James Millross (2)
Andrew Millross (2)
Alan Millross (2)
Kylie Millross (1)
Kim Millross (1)
Jessica Millross (1)
Joy Millross (1)
Nigel Millross (1)
Sheila Millross (1)
Stephanie Millross (1)
Thomas Millross (1)
Sarah Millross (1)
Robert Millross (1)
Mark Millross (1)
Irene Millross (1)
Paul Millross (1)
Lee Millross (1)
Eirwen Millross (1)
Brett Millross (1)
Chloe Millross (1)
Chris Millross (1)
Barry Millross (1)
Anthony Millross (1)
Abbi Millross (1)
Alfred Millross (1)
Christopher Millross (1)
Claire Millross (1)
Elaine Millross (1)
Frank Millross (1)
Annie Millross (1)
Dorothy Millross (1)
Corinne Millross (1)
Darren Millross (1)
Ian Millross (1)

Surname Millross in USA   

Millross reversed is Ssorllim
Name contains 8 letters - 25.00% vowels and 75.00% consonants.

Misspells: Millloss Millrross Millrosss Myllross Mjllross Mellross Millrossa Mlilross Millrsos

Rhymes: Cross Gross across albatross crisscross cross dross floss boss massage loth collage

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States United Kingdom Canada New Zealand Germany


Writers: Janice Millross

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