Statistics and meaning of name Milobara

We have no records about Milobara being used as firstname.
Surname Milobara is used at least 68 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Milobara
Given names
Darko Milobara (3)
Stjepan Milobara (3)
Ivica Milobara (3)
Ljerka Milobara (2)
Maja Milobara (2)
Luka Milobara (2)
Mile Milobara (2)
Damir Milobara (2)
Ivan Milobara (2)
Jurica Milobara ( ...

Surname Milobara in Croatia   

Milobara reversed is Arabolim
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Omliabra Rloabiam Abmolria
Misspells: Milobora Milobala Milobarra Mylobara Mjlobara Melobara Milobaraa Mliobara Milobaar Milobraa

Rhymes: Barbara Adhara Angara Ankara Asmara Aymara tiara corolla marijuana melodrama nirvana

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: Croatia United States Germany Canada Romania Australia Sweden India New Zealand Serbia Czech Republic


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