Statistics and meaning of name Mirez

Usage: 10% firstname, 90% surname.
Mirez first name was found 4 times in 2 different countries. (USA,France)
Surname Mirez is used at least 33 times in at least 6 countries.

      Surname Mirez
Given names
Muriel Mirez (2)
Stephane Mirez (1)
Teresa Mirez (1)
Sylvie Mirez (1)
Jean Mirez (1)
Kelly Mirez (1)
Daniel Mirez (1)

Family names
Mirez Iturrioz (1)
Mirez Drizi (1)

Surname Mirez in France   Surname Mirez in USA   

Mirez reversed is Zerim
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Mirze Ezrim Zmier Miezr Mierz Zirem Riezm Mrize
Misspells: Milez Mirrez Myrez Mjrez Merez Mireza Mriez Mirze Mierz

Rhymes: Ramirez Alvarez Gutierrez Juarez Perez Suarez nightmares highchairs whiteheads bigheads

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Rocio mirez says: Me contaron q es origen árabe ,dos hermanos vinieron de arabia y uno cogio para costa /sierra de Perú y el otro cogió para chile.

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Trinidad and Tobago Uganda Australia Peru Spain


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or about the origins of this name?
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