Statistics and meaning of name Mishir

Usage: 18% firstname, 82% surname.
Mishir first name was found 3 times in 3 different countries.
Surname Mishir is used at least 13 times in at least 2 countries. (UK,India)

Given names
Qayum Mishir (3)
Mayasum Mishir (3)
Shanaz Mishir (2)
Tracey Mishir (1)
Mai Mishir (1)
Mahbub Mishir (1)

Given name Mishir
Family names
Mishir Yousef (1)

Mishir reversed is Rihsim
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Rihism Smiihr Msiirh Ismirh
Misspells: Mishil Mishirr Misshir Myshir Mjshir Meshir Mishira Msihir Mishri Misihr

Rhymes: whir defer her refer sir fur

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States United Kingdom Germany India

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