Statistics and meaning of name Mittelheuser

We have no records about Mittelheuser being used as firstname.
Surname Mittelheuser is used at least 10 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Australia)


Surname Mittelheuser in USA   

Mittelheuser reversed is Resuehlettim
Name contains 12 letters - 41.67% vowels and 58.33% consonants.

Misspells: Mittelheusel Mittelheuserr Mittelheusser Myttelheuser Mjttelheuser Mettelheuser Mittelheusera Mtitelheuser Mittelheusre Mittelheuesr

Rhymes: Mauser Tannhäuser abstruser abuser accuser carouser curiouser milliner mimicker nitpicker sinister villager

Meaning of this name is unknown.

John Harmon says: A Guess: I would suggest that the name means "from the town or region of Mittelhausen, Germany" in Thuringia. I believe, from my high school German, that the name is a corrupted attempt to approximate the sound of Mittelhauser with an umlaut "a" (two dots above the a). Both the umlaut au and eu are pronounced like "oi".

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