Statistics and meaning of name Mkwawa
We have no records about Mkwawa being used as firstname.
Surname Mkwawa is used at least 7 times in at least 1 countries. (UK)
Given names
Hashim Mkwawa (2) Ishaka Mkwawa (1) Philipine Mkwawa (1) Hamida Mkwawa (1) Elly Mkwawa (1) David Mkwawa (1) |
Mkwawa reversed is Awawkm
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.
Anagrams: Kmawaw Kwaamw
Misspells: Mkwowa Mkvvawa Mkwawaa Mwkawa Mkwaaw Mkwwaa
Rhymes: Kurosawa Okinawa Oshawa Ottawa Tarawa Tokugawa medulla papilla kola bandanna caeca
Meaning of this name is unknown.
Mkunungu Mwaulanzi says: This name originated from Hehe Tribe that reside in south Highlands of Tanzania in East Africa. Mkwawa is a corrupted name for Mkwavinyika that in Hehe tribe language means "conqueror". Mkwawa was the grandson of Chief Mduda of Ng'uruwe who was the Chief of Hehe people. Mkwawa was born to the Mduda's daugher and his father was the hunter allegedly comes to Iringa from from the East probably from Kenyas Kamba tribe. Mkwawa fought Germans vigorously that forced them to take his Skull to Germany as a testimony to the authority that he had been killed!
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