Statistics and meaning of name Molteno

We have no records about Molteno being used as firstname.
Surname Molteno is used at least 51 times in at least 6 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 莫尔蒂诺 (pinyin: mò ěr dì nuò)

      Surname Molteno
Given names
Nicholas Molteno (7)
Julian Molteno (4)
Helen Molteno (3)
Sharon Molteno (3)
Star Molteno (2)
Robert Molteno (2)
Margaret Molteno (2)
Sophie Molteno (2)
David Molteno (2)
Pierino Molteno (1)
Paolo Molteno (1)
Ilario Molteno (1)
Daniel Molteno (1)
Danielle Molteno (1)
Frederic Molteno (1)
Eric Molteno (1)
Gianfranco Molteno (1)
Laurent Molteno (1)
Annamaria Molteno (1)
Juliet Molteno (1)
Octavia Molteno (1)
Kathleen Molteno (1)
Barbara Molteno (1)
Caroline Molteno (1)
Susan Molteno (1)
Stephanie Molteno (1)
Marion Molteno (1)

Surname Molteno in France   Surname Molteno in Italy   

Molteno reversed is Onetlom
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Mlootne Telonom Teomonl Motloen Olotnem
Misspells: Moltenoa Mloteno Molteon Moltneo

Rhymes: Leno Moreno Reno Zeno steno demo memo supremo bolero

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States United Kingdom Sweden Poland Norway New Zealand Hong Kong France


Famous people: The Molteno Brothers, Elizabeth Maria Molteno, Donald Barkly Molteno, Marion Molteno

Writers: Frank Molteno, Marion Molteno, R. V. Molteno, C. D. Molteno, Percy Alport Molteno

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