Statistics and meaning of name Morega

We have no records about Morega being used as firstname.
Surname Morega is used at least 74 times in at least 2 countries. (Romania,Argentina)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 莫雷加 (pinyin: mò léi jiā)

Given names
Constantin Morega (9)
Gheorghe Morega (4)
Vasile Morega (4)
Ion Morega (3)
Elena Morega (3)
Ileana Morega (2)
Alexandra Morega (2)
Andreea Morega (2)
Ispas Morega (2)
Aurica Morega (2)
Nicolae Morega (2)
Tamara Morega (2)
Laviniu Morega (2)
Maria Morega (2)
Romulus Morega (2)
Mihaela Morega (1)
Veronica Morega (1)
Sebastian Morega (1)
Ioan Morega (1)
Cornel Morega (1)
Aurel Morega (1)
Anita Morega (1)
Cristina Morega (1)
Eugenia Morega (1)
Laurentiu Morega (1)
Florin Morega (1)
Lelia Morega (1)

Morega reversed is Agerom
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Omerag Oreamg Mergoa Rmogea Ormeag Mrogae Geamro
Misspells: Morego Molega Morrega Moregaa Mroega Moreag Morgea

Rhymes: Noriega Onega Ortega Sega Vega bodega omega mega mecca novella dilemma

Meaning of name Morega is: the same as [Moriga]
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania Germany France South Africa Spain Canada


Old Wiki
Name: Morega
Language: Romanian
Meaning: the same as Moriga

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