Statistics and meaning of name Mrugesh

Usage: 96% firstname, 4% surname.
Mrugesh first name was found 279 times in 10 different countries.
Surname Mrugesh is used at least 10 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,India)


Given name Mrugesh
Family names
Mrugesh Yadav (2)
Mrugesh Panchal (1)
Mrugesh Lacmane (1)
Mrugesh Aher (1)
Mrugesh Patel (1)

Surname Mrugesh in USA   

Mrugesh reversed is Hsegurm
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.

Anagrams: Shemgur
Misspells: Mlugesh Mrrugesh Mrugessh Mrugesha Murgesh Mrugehs Mrugseh

Rhymes: Aquafresh Bangladesh Gilgamesh Marrakesh afresh enmesh flesh mutes groups troops roots fruits

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Mrugesh says: I'm also the name of Mrugesh Vaghela 24year old with qualification and capability I just have one dream as this name which also in world wide also regester in US thanks to all
Mrugesh Vaghela says: the meaning of name Mrugesh Is the Elder son of MAHADEV and when he went to South India It known as KARTIKEYA so It is the clear meaning of son of MAHADEV

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