Statistics and meaning of name Muddassir

Usage: 82% firstname, 18% surname.
Muddassir first name was found 185 times in 10 different countries.
Surname Muddassir is used at least 39 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Muddassir
Given names
Ayesha Muddassir (3)
Sameena Muddassir (2)
Mohammed Muddassir (2)
Mian Muddassir (2)
Zahra Muddassir (1)
Farooq Muddassir (1)
Sadaf Muddassir (1)
Fozia Muddassir (1)
Amnah Muddassir (1)

Given name Muddassir
Family names
Muddassir Mubashar (1)
Muddassir Nawaz (1)
Muddassir Niaz (1)
Muddassir Dhoodhat (1)
Muddassir Anwar (1)
Muddassir Muzzammil (1)
Muddassir Kami (1)
Muddassir Siddiqi (1)

Surname Muddassir in USA   

Muddassir reversed is Rissaddum
Name contains 9 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Misspells: Muddossir Muddassil Muddassirr Muddasssir Muddassyr Muddassjr Muddasser Muddassira Mdudassir Muddassri Muddasisr

Rhymes: sir passel cashmere

Meaning of name Muddassir is: Wrapped in, enveloped, attri
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States United Kingdom India Australia Netherlands United Arab Emirates Hong Kong


Writers: Muddassir Nazir

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