Statistics and meaning of name Muhulet

We have no records about Muhulet being used as firstname.
Surname Muhulet is used at least 29 times in at least 2 countries. (Romania,Italy)

Given names
Vasile Muhulet (4)
Mihaela Muhulet (2)
Nicolae Muhulet (2)
Tudor Muhulet (2)
Ioan Muhulet (2)
Sevastina Muhulet (2)
Maria Muhulet (2)
Emilia Muhulet (2)
Grigore Muhulet (2)
Aneta Muhulet (2)
Ana Muhulet (1)
Veturia Muhulet (1)
George Muhulet (1)
Alexe Muhulet (1)
Mariana Muhulet (1)
Gheorghe Muhulet (1)
Paraschiva Muhulet (1)

Muhulet reversed is Teluhum
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Mhutuel Ulhuetm Ulumteh Uhtuelm Tumhuel Teulhum
Misspells: Muhuleta Mhuulet Muhulte Muhuelt

Rhymes: Capulet amulet epaulet rivulet

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Algeria Canada

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