Statistics and meaning of name Mukwakwami

We have no records about Mukwakwami being used as firstname.
Surname Mukwakwami is used at least 7 times in at least 2 countries. (UK,Australia)

Given names
Shacky Mukwakwami (2)
Maureen Mukwakwami (1)
Gladys Mukwakwami (1)
Gerald Mukwakwami (1)

Mukwakwami reversed is Imawkawkum
Name contains 10 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Misspells: Mukwokwami Mukwakwamy Mukvvakwami Mukwakwamj Mukwakwame Mukwakwamia Mkuwakwami Mukwakwaim Mukwakwmai

Rhymes: swami Izanami Jami Miami Tami hippopotami hypothalami tsunami tatami thalami balmy

Meaning of this name is unknown.

lovemore mukwakwami says: mukwakwami is the great great grand father of lovemore mukwakwami. the name mukwakwami came up as a nickname for the way my great great grandfather danced in war battles and during traditional ceremonies...

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