Statistics and meaning of name Mularo

We have no records about Mularo being used as firstname.
Surname Mularo is used at least 30 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Mularo
Given names
Luigi Mularo (2)
Philip Mularo (2)
Veronica Mularo (2)
Simon Mularo (2)
Maria Mularo (2)
Italo Mularo (1)
Renzo Mularo (1)
Patricia Mularo (1)
Giuseppe Mularo (1)
Paolo Mularo (1)
Gianpaolo Mularo (1)
Antonina Mularo (1)
Alessandra Mularo (1)
Carmelo Mularo (1)
Cristina Mularo (1)
Domenico Mularo (1)
Giovanni Mularo (1)

Surname Mularo in Italy   Surname Mularo in USA   

Mularo reversed is Oralum
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Umalor Ulaomr Malruo Lmurao Ulmaor Mluroa Raomlu
Misspells: Muloro Mulalo Mularro Mularoa Mluaro Mulaor Mulrao

Rhymes: Alvaro Amparo Ferraro Figaro Genaro Jivaro Karo sorrow tomorrow borrow morrow tremolo

Meaning of this name is unknown.
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