Statistics and meaning of name Munanka

We have no records about Munanka being used as firstname.
Surname Munanka is used at least 17 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,UK)
Name written with Chinese letters: 穆南卡 (pinyin: mù nán kǎ)

Given names
David Munanka (3)
Neema Munanka (2)
Vivian Munanka (1)
Jessica Munanka (1)
Jesca Munanka (1)
Frank Munanka (1)
Ivone Munanka (1)
Jesla Munanka (1)

Surname Munanka in USA   

Munanka reversed is Aknanum
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Annukam Anumakn Muanank Nanamku Aumnakn Akunnam Kanmanu Akmanun
Misspells: Munonka Munankaa Mnuanka Munanak Munakna

Rhymes: Sanka Csonka Soyinka Treblinka manga manana banana magma manna

Meaning of this name is unknown.

David Munanka says: Origin of the name Munanka is from North Mara region Tarime District, MARA, TANZANIA. The name is a Kurya tribe origigin, meaning the salty clay soil(monanka).This clay salty soil is still at Monanka villagein the rift valley at Tarime District.

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