Statistics and meaning of name Murahwa

We have no records about Murahwa being used as firstname.
Surname Murahwa is used at least 36 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Murahwa
Given names
Luke Murahwa (4)
Mervis Murahwa (3)
Farai Murahwa (3)
Livingstone Murahwa (2)
Chipo Murahwa (2)
Madeline Murahwa (2)
Catherine Murahwa (2)
Fortune Murahwa (2)
Eunice Murahwa (2)
Rudo Murahwa (2)
Mildred Murahwa (1)
Maud Murahwa (1)
Washington Murahwa (1)
Grace Murahwa (1)
Dester Murahwa (1)
Dodo Murahwa (1)
Ellenah Murahwa (1)
Hannah Murahwa (1)

Murahwa reversed is Awharum
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Ahruwam Ahumawr Muarahw Haramwu Aumrawh Awuhram Wahmaru Awmaruh
Misspells: Murohwa Mulahwa Murrahwa Murahvva Murahwaa Mruahwa Murahaw Murawha

Rhymes: schwa drama lava plaza lama llama

Meaning of this name is unknown.
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